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Nigeria Needs the World but the World Watches in Silence
If the #EndSARS protest were a black man shot fatally by a white American police officer, the whole world would erupt in protest. Unfortunately, it’s not. The ongoing #EndSARS protest screams Nigeria and so the world watches in silence.
When then officer Derek Chauvin murdered George Floyd by pressing his knee against the neck of George Floyd for over 8 minutes, the whole world went ablaze with rage. The United States was convulsed with nationwide protests demanding justice, and Black Lives Matter, the mantra.
As protests gained momentum in the United States, many across the globe would join in solidarity to take a stand against police brutality. From Canada to the United Kingdom, Ghana to Nigeria, China, Japan, Switzerland, across Europe and more, many defied government stay home calls to be on the streets and voice their discontent at the treatment meted out to Black Men by racist police officers. They took a stand against police brutality and the world echoed with the words Black Lives Matter.
There’s a form of police brutality that has plagued Nigeria for a long time now and caused the needless deaths of many of the country’s…